I can be a highly stressed and anxious person. Handling stress over the holidays can be a challenge. A lot of the time, if you don’t see me daily, I can hide it, but those that know me well, see me often, know it and can read me easily. My husband is one of those people. He can read me, he won’t necessarily know what is wrong or bothering me but he always knows when something is. I will not claim that I’m any master at handling stress but these are tips I’m hoping to implement myself and hope they’ll help.
1. Acknowledge Your Feelings:
I really have a problem with this. I have always been one to avoid confrontation and in doing so I tend to just avoid the feelings all together. I cannot stop myself from feeling them, I still feel them, but I tend to lose why I’m feeling that way. I need to do more self-reflection. This is a big reason why I’ve been writing more.
2. Take a Break:
This is hard to do as a mother with two small children. How do I take breaks? I nap, I sit and just zone out with a TV show while the babies are playing, I try to go out with friends when I can, I try to go out with my husband when I can, and I plan to start reading again. None of these really happen as often as I’d like but I guess that kind of just goes with the territory. I’ll keep trying though. Never giving up on getting those chances for breaks are key.
3. Be Realistic:
I definitely have a problem with this. I envision these great Christmases for my children and I often get disappointed because my expectations are too high.
4. Set Aside Differences:
Sometimes this requires just putting on a happy face but it’s necessary to keep peace at family events often times. Enjoy the holiday and just be together. Keep away from touchy topics, no politics, no religious debates.
5. Last is to plan ahead:
No last minute shopping.
What are some things you do to relieve stress? During the holidays or all year long?
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