31 Days to a Positive Inner Voice: How to Build Resilience

There are so many external factors that can cause us emotional upheaval. So many factors we cannot control. What we can control is how we face these emotions. How we talk to ourselves and how positively we experience the situation. We cannot always control factors such as being laid off, natural disasters, loss of a loved one, but we can control how we manage our own emotions through those situations. Building our resilience is important to do so.

How to Build ResilienceWhat is Resilience?

When faced with many negative situations like the ones mentioned above our resilience is how well we cope and adapt. Everyone has resilience but how much can be the question. When you have low resilience it is more often major life events can cause negativity in ourselves. Lowering our self esteem, raising anxiety and depression.

How do we build resilience?

Well to truly be resilient there are a few factors you have to be…

You must be socially competent.

You need to be able to get along with others. It takes a village and that does not mean just raising a family. Everyone needs their own support system and social network. Build your social network to be a strong, caring, and supportive one.

You need problem solving skills.

When a problem arises if you’re unable to work through it and come up with a solution it is hard to remain resilient. Building your problem solving skills builds resilience and greatly increases your ability to cope with negative live events.

You must be independent.

The ability to act on your own accord is great for building your self esteem and resilience. When we are not confident in our own abilities it can be easy to let negative events harm our psyche. Thus creating negative self talk and negative self criticism. Build your faith in your abilities. Know your strengths and your weaknesses and trust you can do it.

You must have a sense of purpose.

When we face a crisis or tragedy having a sense of purpose can play a role in our recovery.

What gives you purpose? How does that effect your mood everyday? Do you feel you are generally positive?


31 Days to a Positive Inner Voice

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