31 Days to a Positive Inner Voice

I’ve found myself more often thinking negatively. Motherhood is so many things, it’s joyful, rewarding, exhausting, frustrating, and tiresome. There are days I just want to crawl in a hole and days that I’m so ecstatically happy. My kids are my pride and joy. They are everything to me. I love them so very much but there are still days I’m so frustrated and tired. This frustration has fed my negativity.Positive Inner Voice

In an effort to change my inner voice I’ve been doing research on how to change your own mindset, your own inner voice. How do you change your negative inner voice and turn it around to positive?

Over the next 31 days I’ll be breaking it down. Explanation on why we are negative, how we can self analyze our negativity and how we can be positive. Links to the 31 day posts will be below as they are published.

Day 1

Understand Your Thinking Style

Day 2

Thinking Style: Black and White Thinking

Day 3

Thinking Style: Overgeneralization

Day 4

Thinking Style: Personalization

Day 5

Thinking Style: Catastrophizing

Day 6

Thinking Style: Fortune Telling

Day 7

Overcoming Negativity Bias

Day 8

Negativity and Self Esteem

Day 9

Low Self Esteem and Quality of Life

Day 10

Turning Self Criticism into Self Compassion

Day 11

Managing Negative Emotions

Day 12

Negative Self Talk and Relationships

Day 13

Fear of Failure

Day 14


Day 15Positive Inner Voice

Fear of Judgment

Day 16

How to Build Resilience

Day 17

Making Self Care a Priority

Day 18

Negative Self Talk and Self Harm

Day 19

Self Talk and Stress

Day 20

Seeking Help

Day 21

Motivation and Goals

Day 22

How to Break Bad Habits

Day 23

Habits You Can Implement Today to Be More Positive

Day 24

Self Sabotage

Day 25

Cognitive Restructuring

Day 26

How to Cope with Criticism

Day 27

Practice Mindfulness

Day 28

Interrogative Self Talk

Day 29

Progress Rather Than Perfection

Day 30


Day 31



Follow along as the 31 Days are posted. Subscribe Here! Each post will be linked here as they publish.




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